Friday, April 1, 2011

Poetry Cover

"Butterfly Dreaming"

For this Poetry Cover assignment, I knew that I wanted to make a cover that had a "Spring" feel to it. With the butterflies, green grass and blue skies, it is the definition of a fresh and bright day. First, I found a beautiful sketch of a butterfly that I filled with colour and black outline with the paint tool. I made the butterfly look like a rainbow with colours that flowed well together. The next thing that I did, was to add a poetry aspect to the picture by putting in the notpad and making it appear that the butterfly is being written on the paper.

1 comment:

  1. It is Sunday night and I am marking your work even thought it is indicated that is "NOT DONE".

    Very nice cover design Anna. You've merged images well and have indeed created a cheerful, spring feel to the image. It also clearly says poetry.
    But..did you read the assignment? You were asked to write about the rationale for your design, and its suitability to a teen audience. You were not supposed to explain the technical process. I expected something like this...

    This cover design clearly communicates the concept of poetry in that is shows a blank book, with pen and ink, in which someones is writing their thoughts. The design goes beyond a literal meaning , however, in that the author's poetic thoughts are rising from the page and flying off. This symbolizes how writing poetry sets thought free and how those thoughts float off to reach the minds of others. I set the writing desk in a springtime field not only because the book is published in the spring, but also because spring is a time of renewal and the creative process is an important means by which we can renew ourselves. Many poets report that writing brings a sense of freedom and I have illustrated this sense of freedom through the fresh green setting. The largest butterfly is the focal point and it is presented as a spectrum of colours moving on an upward diagonal. A black tree silhouette is partially in the frame to balance the butterfly, both in terms of shape and feeling.

    Do you see the difference?
