Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guelph Multicultural Festival Poster

         I think that my poster contains many of the aspects of the City of Guelph and of our world. The large peace sign of the map, expresses how our planet needs to unite in a peaceful order and all become one. The theme of this festival was the inspiration for my picture as I filled in the peace sign with the moon and sun representing how we all require the same necessities for life. I filled it also with butterflies to represent how we all live and change as we grow. I added the leaves into it, because the planet needs to be looked after in order to take care of us in return. And I also added in bright colourful flowers to represent how we are all diverse and unique, but are united as we are all equal. I feel that my poster is bright and eye catching, yet simple and easy to understand. The titles stand out well with the white and black contrast so that the message may be communicated clearly.

1 comment:

  1. Anna, you explanation really is helpful in understanding your design. The problem is...without reading your explanation I don't think the multicultural message is as clear. It is an attractive design and your concept is very appropriate. You have used contrast well and you have a very attractive colour palette.
    Good job meeting the deadline. Please print a hard copy for the contest.
