Thursday, April 7, 2011

I chose to make my "Vote" poster look as if it would be painted onto a city wall downtown somewhere. I felt that this idea would attract the eyes of teenagers because it is bright and artistic looking. Since it is important for teenagers to learn that voting for their government is a crucial part of being a citizen of Canada, I thought that a poster that can relate to the youth would be a good idea. Although graffiti can sometimes be considered destructive to public property, it can also be recognized as a beautiful form of art with lots of character. I think that through this poster, many people will be influenced to vote at our school election.

1 comment:

  1. Remember to give your post a title and ask me to help you get your image on the blog.

    I think your image is very playful and inviting. It has a definitely youthful feeling to it. I had to crop it to match new dimensions because the printing was small than I hoped for. It still works with the sides brought in a bit. It is a basic message, but certainly clear. Well done.
