Friday, April 29, 2011

Tyiptych #1

      When creating my Photography Triptychs, I went into my backyard to find some interesting pictures of nature. For my first Triptych, I used three pictures of different textures of wood that had interesting pattern. Overall I feel as though when you zoom in on each of these pictures, the grains and looks of each are very unique but also are compatible with each other. The picture on the left, is a picture of the side of a very old shed turned vertically. I changed the colours of this picture by adjusting the hue and saturation of the picture. In this picture you can really see how old looking this wood is by it's aged look and deep lines. The middle picture is a zoomed in picture of some old wooden steps with some leaves scattered on top. For this picture, I also enhanced the colours to make it similar to the first picture. The picture on the right, is of the bark of a big oak tree. The light that is captured in this picture adds interest to the dimensions of the tree and creates a focal point. All three of these pictures have the same sort of style, although each is different in their own way. I made sure that in each picture that there was a certain tone of pink that can be seen in each. This is what unites these three pictures onto one Triptych.

Triptych #2

       In my second Triptych, I chose three pictures that are similar based on the natural colours that are in them. All of these pictures are also of different woods in my backyard. Each of these pictures have a very unique look to each of them. The top left one is a picture of a log of wood with a pattern of holes in it. The bottom picture is of a pile of swigs. This picture has a interesting look to it because there are so many sticks over lapping each other. The big picture on the right, is a zoomed in image of a tree with sap running down the side. This triptych has a sense of gore to it, as the red tones are brought out using the colour enhancing tool.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guelph Multicultural Festival Poster

         I think that my poster contains many of the aspects of the City of Guelph and of our world. The large peace sign of the map, expresses how our planet needs to unite in a peaceful order and all become one. The theme of this festival was the inspiration for my picture as I filled in the peace sign with the moon and sun representing how we all require the same necessities for life. I filled it also with butterflies to represent how we all live and change as we grow. I added the leaves into it, because the planet needs to be looked after in order to take care of us in return. And I also added in bright colourful flowers to represent how we are all diverse and unique, but are united as we are all equal. I feel that my poster is bright and eye catching, yet simple and easy to understand. The titles stand out well with the white and black contrast so that the message may be communicated clearly.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photojournalism Assignment

        Photojournalism needs to have a sense of ethical behavior that gets portrayed in the photography that is being taken. Since it is a common occurrence that photos in journalism capture a story about a certain person or groups of people, it is needed that dignity for the individual is present. Everyone has the right to say wether or not they want a certain picture being seen by the public or not, but sometimes this right is ignored by journalists or paparazzi. The rules that journalists should follow are to respects ones personal space, and to ask permission before capturing a picture of a specific person. Along with respecting the people that they are photographing, they also need to consider how they would feel if something personal in their life was exposed to the public at the level in which they journal. Having a code of ethics is necessary because journalism would become so extreme that no one would have any privacy or personal life. As every story may become more and more demeaning, journalists would try to outdo each other and therefore putting the security of people lives in jeopardy.


photo #1
       I chose this picture that I took because I thought that it displayed how committed and enthusiastic this speaker was. Although his face is hidden from this picture, you still can see on the audiences faces that they are enjoying what he is saying and having a good time. You can easily tell that Keith is interacting with the viewers by the fact that he is standing on a chair trying to attain their attention while make a important point. This picture shows a large amount of the crowd to show how popular this speaker was.

 photo #2
       My second picture that I chose to put up on my blog is the one with the most clear and expressive emotion on his face. Keith brought up a student from the audience to involve him into his presentation. Although the student does not seem to be very impressed with the situation, the speaker helped to make him feel more comfortable by asking questions. You can also see in the picture, that he is listing points and really talking into the audience.

extra photo #3

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I chose to make my "Vote" poster look as if it would be painted onto a city wall downtown somewhere. I felt that this idea would attract the eyes of teenagers because it is bright and artistic looking. Since it is important for teenagers to learn that voting for their government is a crucial part of being a citizen of Canada, I thought that a poster that can relate to the youth would be a good idea. Although graffiti can sometimes be considered destructive to public property, it can also be recognized as a beautiful form of art with lots of character. I think that through this poster, many people will be influenced to vote at our school election.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Poetry Cover

"Butterfly Dreaming"

For this Poetry Cover assignment, I knew that I wanted to make a cover that had a "Spring" feel to it. With the butterflies, green grass and blue skies, it is the definition of a fresh and bright day. First, I found a beautiful sketch of a butterfly that I filled with colour and black outline with the paint tool. I made the butterfly look like a rainbow with colours that flowed well together. The next thing that I did, was to add a poetry aspect to the picture by putting in the notpad and making it appear that the butterfly is being written on the paper.